Helin Yang

Author: Date:2018-10-23 ClickTimes:

Yang Helin, Professor, College of Physical Science and Technology, Central China Normal University.
His research interests include wireless communication and radio wave propagation, electromagnetic scattering of complex targets and environments, metamaterial theory and its applications in antenna, absorber, sensor, filter and FSS design.
He has finished projects "Design and research on UWB ×× equipment ","Simulation of radar echo from sea surface target ", "863" innovative research project "Study on the electromagnetic characteristics of left-handed material" , the National Natural Science Foundation of China "Research on the electromagnetic metamaterials and its applications in GPR". He participated in the project "SCTE RCS prediction system and its applications" and received the Ministry of Education nominated the National Science and Technology Progress Award.
He has published more than 70 peer-review journal papers in Sci. Rep., Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Appl. Phys.、PIER、J. Phys. D、Electronics Letters、Chinese Physics B etc., which have been cited by SCI more than 500 times. He has supervised the graduation of 5 doctoral and 28 master’s degree students to work in universities, research institutes, communications companies, etc., and now he is a supervisor of 4 doctoral and 12 master’s degree students. His 8 students have obtained the graduate student national scholarship and 4 students obtained outstanding master's degree theses of Hubei province.

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