
Xiaofeng Luo, Birth date : Feb. 28, 1983
Professor of Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
#152, Luoyu Road, Wuhan, China
Phone: +86-2767867963
2002– 2006: University of Science and Technology of China
Bachelor of Artsin Physics
2006– 2011 : University of Science and Technology of China
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
Professional Experience
06/2019 – Current Professor, Central China Normal University
10/2013 – 05/2019 Associate Professor, Central China Normal University
09/2016–08/2017 Visiting Scholar, University of California, Los Angeles
01/2016–02/2016 Visiting Scholar, Tsukuba University
03/2015–09/2015 Visiting Scholar,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
07/2011–07/2013Postdoctoralfellowshipin Central China Normal University
02/2009–04/2011 Ph. D thesis studyat Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Professional Activities and Awards
2018 The Frist RHIC&AGS Merit Award, Brookhaven National Lab, US.
2012 The First Prize of Youth Outstanding Paper in High Energy Physics, China.
2011 President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Award
2008 Spaceflight Information Award, University of Science and Technology of China.
2007 Guanghua Award, University of Science and Technology ofChina
Main Research Contributions:
Exploring the QCD phase structureis one of the fundamental goals of heavy-ionphysics.It can be displayed in the QCD phase diagram as a function of temperature T and baryon chemical potential. QCD critical point (CEP) is a distinctsingularfeature of the QCD phase diagram. Experimental confirmation of the QCDcriticalpoint would be a landmark of exploring the phase structure of strongly interacting nuclear mater. Thecharacteristicfeature of the CEP is the divergence of the correlation length and of the magnitude of the fluctuations. These critical phenomena are best probed bymeasuringevent-by-eventfluctuationsof conserved quantities, such as baryon,electriccharge and strangeness number. The effect of CEP could manifest as a non-monotonic dependence of the higher order cumulants of fluctuations as the critical point is passed by. In the last 9 years, mywork is mainly focus on the experimental measurements of the higher order cumulants of conserved charges distributions in relativistic heavy-ion collisions and its application to search for the QCD critical point.
Experimental measurements for the cumulants of net-proton multiplicitydistributions
in heavy-ion collisions from the 1stphase of RHIC beam energy scan (BES) program.
Since 2009, we performed systematical measurements for the higher order cumulants of net-proton distributions in Au+Au collisions at 7.7-200 GeV measured by STAR experiment in BES-I program at RHIC. As principal author, after finishing the data analysis, the experimental results are published in two PRL papers: PRL105, 022302 (2010) and PRL112, 032302 (2014) [Citation: 253 and 285,INSPIRES]. We found a dip for fourth order net-proton fluctuations around 19.6 GeV, which needs to be confirmed with more statistics. Furthermore, we extended the pTcoverage of identified proton and anti-proton from 0.4<pT<0.8 GeV/c to 0.4<pT<2 GeV/c by using time of flight (TOF) detector. By doing this, for the first time, weobservednon-monotonic collision energydependence of the fourth order to second order cumulant ratio(ks2)of net-proton distributions incentralAu+Aucollisions. These results show that the net-protonks2is close to unity above 39 GeV but deviates significantly below unity at 19.6 and 27 GeV, then becomes above unity at low energies. This behavior may suggest that the created system skims close by the CEP, and received positive and/or negative contributions from critical fluctuations. Due to the contributions to this analysis and importance of the results, I have been invited to give plenary talks at CPOD2014, QM2015 and ISMD2016. These results have been written into the 2015 US Long Range Plan of nuclear physics. To reduce the statistical errors and confirm the experimental observation in the BES-I, RHIC has also planned the second phase of the beam energy scan (BES-II) in 2019-2020.
Extracting the transition temperature (Tc~175MeV) at zero baryon chemical potential by comparing the net-proton fluctuation data with Lattice QCD
For the first time, we determine the transition temperature(Tc~175MeV) of the strongly interacting nuclear matter at zero baryon chemical potential by comparing theSTARnet-proton fluctuationsresultswiththe first principleLattice QCDcalculations. Thisresultswas published in Science 332, 1525 (2011).[Citation:175, INSPIRES]and is vetted as the one of the 10 breakthrough in the year 2011 by the website of <<Physics World>>.
Contributions to build up experimental data analysis methods
In the past yearsof doing data analysis, we graduallydevelopeda series ofdata analysis methodsandmanage to precisely perform the experimental measurements of the higher order fluctuations of conserved quantities in heavy-ion collisions. Those include the suppression of the effects of the volumefluctuations, eliminate the auto-correlation background, correct forthefinite detection efficiencies andderived the exact analytical formula toestimate the statistical uncertainties.We have published thosemethodshave been publishedin corresponding papers:
Based on the Delta theorem in statistical theory, we derived the analytical formula for the statistical errors calculations of the higher moments of multiplicity distributions in relativistic heavy-ion collisions andsuccessfullyapplied it in the experimental measurements. Those statistical formula are published in J. Phys. G 39, 025008 (2012). [Citation:60, INSPIRES]
Wedeveloped a unified descriptions of thephase space dependence efficiency correction and corresponding statistical error estimations. The results are published in PRC 91, 034907 (2015). [Citation:37, INSPIRES]
We defined the collision centrality carefully to avoid the auto-correlation and apply the so called the centrality bin width correction (CBWC) to suppress the effects of volume fluctuations within one wide centrality bin.The results are publishedin. Phys. G40,105104(2013).[Citation:37, INSPIRES]
Those data analysis methods have been summarized in an invited review paper:
Nucl. Sci. Tech. 28, 112 (2017).[Citation:71, INSPIRES]
Guide Ph.D students to finish thedata analysis ofnet-charge and net-kaon fluctuations in Au+Au collisionsin BES-I at STAR experiments
During 2014-2017, I have guided the Ph.D students Nihar Rajan Sahoo and Ji Xu to complete the data analysis of the net-charge and net-kaon fluctuations in Au+Au collisions measured by STAR experiment in BES-I. We obtained the collision energy and centrality dependence of the net-charge and net-kaon fluctuations. The results of net-charge fluctuations are published in PRL113, 092301 (2014).[Citation:199, INSPIRES]. The results of net-kaon fluctuations measurements have been submitted to Phys. Lett. B and will be published soon. Due to large statistical errors, the net-charge and net-kaon results show monotonic variation as a function of collision energy. Those experimental data have been applied to extract the freeze-out parameters by comparing with Lattice QCD calculations.
Publications :https://inspirehep.net/author/profile/Xiao.Feng.Luo.1
10 most relevant publications in peer-reviewed journals
Xiaofeng Luo
Search for the QCD critical point with fluctuations of conserved quantities in relativistic heavy-ion collisions at RHIC: an overview
Nucl. Sci. Tech.28, 112 (2017).
Shu He and Xiaofeng Luo
Proton cumulants and correlation functions in Au+Au collisions at √snn=7.7–200GeV from UrQMD model
Phys. Lett. B774, 623 (2017).
Masakiyo Kitazawa and Xiaofeng Luo
Properties and uses of factorial cumulants in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Phys. Rev. C96, 024910 (2017).
Chang Zhou, Ji Xu, Xiaofeng Luo, Feng Liu
Cumulants of event-by-event net-strangeness distributions in Au + Au collisions at
√sNN= 7.7–200 GeV within an UrQMD model
Phys. Rev. C96, 014909 (2017).
Shu He, Xiaofeng Luo, Shinchi Esumi, Yasushi Nar
Effects of nuclear potential on the cumulants of net-proton and net-baryon multiplicity distributions in Au+Au collisions at√sNN=5 GeV
Phys. Lett. B762, 296 (2016).
Xiaofeng Luo
Unified description of efficiency correction and error estimation for moments
of conserved quantities in heavy-ion collisions
Phys. Rev. C91, 034907 (2015).
L. Adamczyk, … Xiaofeng Luo (principal author) et al, (STAR Collaboration),
Energy Dependence of Moments of Net-Proton Multiplicity Distributions at RHIC
Phys. Rev. Lett.112, 032302 (2014).
Sourendu Gupta,Xiaofeng Luo,Bedangadas Mohanty,Hans Georg Ritter
Scale for the QCD Phase Diagram of Quantum Chromodynamics
Science332, 1525 (2011).
M. M. Aggarwal, … Xiaofeng Luo (principal author)et al, (STAR Collaboration),
Higher Moments of Net-proton Multiplicity Distributions at RHIC
Phys. Rev. Lett.105, 022302 (2010).
J. Adam,…., Xiaofeng Luo(principal author)et al, (STAR Collaboration),
Collision energy dependence of moments of net-kaon multiplicity distributions at RHIC
Phys. Lett. B 785, 551 (2018)
Other Publications
Jiamin Chen, Xiaofeng Luo, Feng Liu, Yasushi Nara
Effects of mean field and softening of equation of state on elliptic flow in Au+Au collisions at 5
GeV from the JAM model
Chinese Physics C 42, 024001 (2018)
Yasushi Nara, Harri Niemi, Akira Ohnishi, Jan Steinheimer, Xiaoafeng Luo, Horst Stocker
Enhancement of elliptic flow can signal a first-order phase transition in high energy heavy-ion collisions
European Physical Journal A 54, 18 (2018).
Zhenzhen Yang, Xiaofeng Luo, Bedanga Mohanty
Baryon-strangeness correlations in Au+Au collisions at 7.7-200 GeV from the UrQMD model
Physical Review C 95, 014914 (2017).
Ameng Zhao, Xiaofeng Luo, Hongshi Zong
Baryon number fluctuations in quasi-particle model
European Physical Journal C 77, 207 (2017).
Xiaofeng Luo
Search for the QCD criticalpointwith fluctuations of conserved quantities in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
EPJ Web of Conference 141, 04001 (2017).
Ji Xu, Shili Yu, Feng Liu, Xiaofeng Luo
Cumulants of net-proton, net-kaon and net-charge multiplicity distributions in Au+Au collisions at 7.7 to 200 GeV within the UrQMD model
Physical Review C 94, 024901 (2016).
P. K. Nettrakanti, Xiaofeng Luo, D. K. Mishra, B. Mohanty, A. Mohanty
Baseline measures for net-proton distributions in high energy heavy-ion collisions
Nucl. Phys. A 947, 248 (2016)
Toshihiro Nonaka, Tetsuro Sugiura, ShinIchi Esumi , Hiroshi Masui, Xiaofeng Luo
Importance of separated efficiencies between positively and negatively charged particles for cumulant calculations
Physical Review C 94, 034909 (2016)
Xiaofeng Luo
Exploring the QCD phase structure with beam energy scan in heavy-ion collisions
Nuclear Physics A 956, 75 (2016).
Xiaofeng Luo
Fluctuations of conserved quantities in highenergynuclear collisions
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 599, 012023 (2015).
Xiaofeng Luo, Bedanga Mohanty
Baseline for the cumulans of net-proton distributions at STAR
Nuclear Physics A 931, 808 (2014).
Xiaofeng Luo, Ji Xu, Bedanga Mohanty
Volume fluctuation and auto-correlation effects in the moment analysis of net-proton multiplicity distributions in heavy-ion collisions
Journal of Physics G: Nucl.andPart. 040, 105104 (2013).
Xiaofeng Luo
Search for the QCD critical point by higher moments of net-proton multiplicity distributions at STAR
Nuclear Physics A 904, 911c (2013).
Xiaofeng Luo
Error Estimation for moment analysis in heavy-ion collisions experiment
Journal of Physics G: Nucl. and Part. 39, 025008 (2012)
Xiaofeng Luo, Bedanga Mohanty, Hans Georg Ritter
Search for the QCD critical point : higher moments of net-proton multiplicity distributions
Physics of atomic nuclei, 75, 676 (2012).
Xiaofeng Luo
Probing the QCD critical point with higher moments of net-proton multiplicity distributions
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 316, 012003 (2011).
Xiaofeng Luo, Ming Shao, Cheng Li, Hongfang Chen
Signature of QCD critical point: Anomalous transverse velocity dependence of anti-proton to proton ratio
Physics Letters B 673. 268 (2009).
Xiaofeng Luo, Ming Shao, Xin Dong, Cheng Li
Nuclear stopping and sideward flow correlation from 0.35 A to 200 A GeV
Physics Review C 78, 031901 (2008).
Xiaofeng Luo, Ming Shao, Cheng Li
Event selection in CSR-ETF UU collisions
Chinese Physics C 32(Supp. II), 17 (2008).
Kejun Wu, Xiaofeng Luo, Feng Liu
Simulation for elliptic flow of UU collisions at CSR energy region in Lanzhou
Chinese Physics C 31, 617 (2007).
Xiaofeng Luo, Xin Dong, Ming Shao, Kejun Wu, Cheng Li, Hongfang Chen, Hushan Xu
Stopping effects in U+U collisions with a beam energy of 520 MeV/nucleon.
Physical Review C 76, 044902 (2007).
Wenkai Fan, Xiaofeng Luo, Hongshi Zong
Mapping the QCD phase diagram with susceptibilities of conserved charges within Nambu Jona-Lasinio model
International Journal of Modern Physics A32, 1750061 (2017).
Shu He, Xiaofeng Luo
Event-by-event efficiency fluctuations and efficiency correction forcumulants of superposed multiplicity distributions in relativisticheavy-ion collision experiments
Chinese Physics C 42, 104001(2018).
Chao Zhang,Jiamin Chen,Xiaofeng Luo, Feng Liu, and Yasushi Nara
Beam energy dependence of the squeeze-out effect on the directed and elliptic flow
in Au + Au collisions in the high baryon density region
Phys. Rev. C 97, 064913 (2018)