Yaxian Mao
Author: Date:2018-10-23 ClickTimes:
Title:Associate Professor
Office:Bld.9, Room No.459
Research Field: High engery heavy ion experiment, study of properties of QGP
Brief Introduction:
Yaxian Mao, female,is employed by Central China Normal University as an associate professor since April 2015. The research interest includes the identified particle correlations and jet properties study in heavy ion collisions. She is the member of ALICE international collaboration at CERN/LHC as a student in Central China Normal University and work on the high energy experimental physics research since 2005, After obtained the PhD diploma from University of Grenoble in France in 2011, She went to Vanderbilt University in US as a postdoc research associate and continue working on heavy-ion experimental jet properties measurements in CMS international collaboration at CERN/LHC. Returned to China and CCNU and re-joined in ALICE collaboration since 2015, she has been working on data analysis and upgrade program, to study the properties of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) with hard probes. As the main author and analyzers under big collaborations, She has published many high impact and important papers on the peer reviewed journals and present scientific research results on behalf of both ALICE and CMS collaboration in many major international conferences. As first Principal Investigator (PI), she is granted with the funding to support the research program from “High Level Excellent faculty Project in Central China Normal University” and “National Science Foundation Youth Project”. Since 2015, she successfully supervised two Summer students at CERN in 2016 and 4 joint-master students graduated successfully in the last 3 years. Currently there are 5 master students and 4 joint-PhD students on going under her supervision.