Qinglin Wu
Author: Date:2018-10-23 ClickTimes:
Qing-Lin Wu
Title: Associate Professor
Research Area: Quantum optics and quantum information
Email: qlwu_at_mail.ccnu.edu.cn
Phone: +86-27-67866785
Office: Room 1210, Building 9
Research Interest:
Prof. Qing-Lin Wu was awarded Ph.D. in physics at The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2008. He was appointed to an associate professor at Central China Normal University (CCNU) since 2013. He was recommended to work at USTC as a Postdoctoral Associate (2008-2010), became a Visiting Research Professor (2010-2013) at Nihon University (NU). His main research interest is in quantum optics and quantum information, especially in the optical quantum measurement and single-photon detecting technique.